Sunday, September 18, 2011

Things I dislike (wanted to say hate, but sounds bad)

1. TEETHING! There is nothing you can do to help the pain. Cold things, frozen rag, teething toys, nothing works. I put ice or frozen peaches in their food nets and that is the only thing that seems to stop the fussing for a short while. There are people with babies that teething doesn't bother. I can't imagine.  It bothers both of my babies a lot! What will we do when the big teeth come through???

2. COLDS! My boys had a cold about 3 weeks ago. Then I put up the saline spray and suctions. Well 5 days later guess what, a new cold!! They both have it all over again. There is snot every where. Their hair, their face, and all over me. There is nothing you can do for this either. Humidifier and suction. I feel so bad for them. They can't breathe and they can't blow their nose. They now despise the suction!


  1. Poor little R & R...Auntie loves you tons!!!!

  2. Try the Hylands teething tablets. They are AMAZING!!! -Allena
