Sunday, December 25, 2011


The favored gift for Christmas this year was definitely balls! We are over loaded with them now. The boys love to throw and kick them. I believe I could open up a Gymboree in my play room if I wanted to!

Monday, December 19, 2011


These guys are getting into more and more things they are not supposed to! They don't like the word no, not one bit!

Ren and Santa are not friends this year!

Maybe next year? Rex was ok with Santa. This Santa had a rough day I believe because he was a little grouchy! Our picture was a little better than this, but you get the idea. I had to be in the picture.

They think they are big boys!

Is this better Jo Anne?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Steady climbing the charts!!

At their 1 year appointment we of course got some new stats!

Rendin: 24% in weight, 18% in height, and 25% in head circumference. Wow! Ren went from 3% to 18% in height. A growing boy!!

Rex: 10% in weight, 13% in height, and 39% in head circumference. Rex went from 1% to 10% in height! Woo hoo. No more 1%!