Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Four months today
We had our four month well check today. Here are their stats: Rendin: 14.3 lbs, 37% height: 23 3/4 12% (shorty) head: 41 20% Rex: 13.2 lbs 17% height: 23 3/4 (shorty) head: 41 cm 20% So Ren weighs 1 lb more than Rex now. I'm sure it's the formula I had to switch him to. They had a good check up, except the shots. We were given permission to start sleep training. We are going to start tonight. I am not looking forward to it, but it is very much necessary. Ren is no problem. He sleeps his 6 to 8 hours. We will have to work with Rex. Oh man! I hope I can do it. I can't stand when the cry turns to a scream. Tough love I guess.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Bad News
I just came back from the dentist and I have my first cavity. Ugh! Cavity free for 30 years. I'm sure the middle of the night orange juice chugs while pregnant didn't help me out. Sucks! Oh well, just add it to the list of gross body changes. Squishy, flat ass, and now rotten teeth. Great!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Things are SLOWLY getting easier.
I am trying to wean from this damn pump. I am tired of looking at it! I was pumping 16 to 20 oz every 3 hours and I am finally down to 6oz every 5 hours! It is taking forever. I am glad I did it for the boys, but it was honestly miserable. I had way too much milk. Thankfully I have a lot frozen, so I am set for awhile. I am looking forward to going places without having to bring this big ass thing every where I go! My cousin Terri's wedding is this weekend. I hoped to not have to pump in the car again, but it doesn't look like I will be done by then. I can't wait for the freedom and to be able to get this table out of my living room. I thought I wanted big boobs, but I want my small ladies back!
These boys were fed at 8:30 last night and then put to bed and they woke up at 5am! Amazing! I got 6 hours of sleep. Not straight sleep because I had to pump, but 6 actual hours. We feel like we over slept this morning. I can't even believe it. I hope this continues. Rex was waking up every 3 to 4 hours and fussing. We took out his wedge because he just rolls off of it. I fed him another half an ounce, and I woke him early from his evening nap. I don't know if they sleep so much because they were preemies, but they can only stay awake an hour at a time. I wonder what of the three things worked?
Monday, March 21, 2011

These boys will not nap in their crib. They will sleep there at night, but no way during the day. So we find different spots for them to sleep. I don't want them too used to the swing. Rex is picky. Sometimes he likes the swing, sometimes he likes his papasan chair. Ren is not girly. This swaddle just happens to fit him a little better and it was a hand me down from Val. David will be so mad. He is secure in his manhood. He can wear pink and be tough! Right?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I should have taken the Christmas bib off Ren before I took the video. We use all bibs around this place.
Best invention ever!
I love the swing. Sometimes they hate it, but when they like it, they fall asleep in it. Then the peace and quiet begins. AHHHHHH! Can you tell Rendin is gaining weight? Look at his full face! You would never know he was born 5lbs 2oz. I guess more stays in than I thought.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
One of the hardest decisions I have had to make
Wednesday night I had to put my sweetheart (Sammie) down. She was 15 years old! She had a long full life. She was there for half of mine. She moved to every apartment and house with me. She lived with colitis, congestive heart failure, and seizures later in life. I lost her for 3 days one time and ended up finding her. Even though she is probably the most high maintenance dog I have ever had, I miss her so much. She is truly irreplaceable. I love having dogs, but when they get old it is so hard to watch. Sammie is the black dog in the picture. She will always be remembered.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Ok, I took off the post. I didnt realize their weenies were showing. I posted it at 3 am. Sorry for the peep show!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Three months!
Poor little Rendin
For some reason this little boy fusses all day long now. It started last week. The doctor said to try switching him from
breast milk to formula. Enfamil Nutramigen. I guess we are seeing if he has some sort of allergy, like milk or wheat. It sucks because I have so much milk stored and I wanted him to be on breast milk for 6 months. We will try anything though. After 6 months he can switch back. Poor little guy. He can't sleep unless he is swaddled really tight and he can't suck hard enough on his paci. The formula smells really bad and so do the poops now. We are hoping something helps. It is really sad to hear him cry all the time.
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